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Intelligent Public and Collective Transport

The Foundation continues analysing and issuing recommendations in terms of a quality public transport and a balanced and efficient mobility in which all modes of transport fulfil their function. As an example, there are the encouragement of the debate on the proposal of connecting the two tram lines on Av. Diagonal and the study on the specific effects on mobility in different intersections of Av. Diagonal using traffic management simulators. The analysis has allowed coming to the conclusion that the project of the tram along Av. Diagonal does not only need institutional and political consensus, but also time and technical rigour to make a detailed analysis of the effects of this public transport infrastructure on other modes of transport and on mobility as a whole.

The study on the regulation of tourist busses in culturally interesting areas, which are especially crowded in Barcelona, or the mobility audit of the access to large events in the city, such as the Primavera Sound festival or the Piromusical show, are additional examples of the work that the Foundation is carrying out in order to guarantee for a more fluid, efficient and affordable mobility for all users.
RACC Tram Forum


Study/simulation tram
Simulation Balmes Street
Simulation Francesc Macià Sq.

The impact of tourism on the mobility/restriction of tourist busses

Audit on the mobility during big events in Barcelona

2017 RACC Foundation

Av. Diagonal, 687
08028 Barcelona
ISSN 2013-4371