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Clean and Healthy Air

CO2 emissions, which are responsible for the greenhouse effect, the climate change and the emission of toxic particulate matter, mainly in urban areas, are a main topic that concerns and takes up the RACC Foundation, which has been following the debate on the Climate Change Law, submitting arguments and promoting the three-year programme of a European consortium, called I-CVUE, focussed on fleet operators and legislators, encouraging the use of electric vehicles in order to replace a thousand vehicles with a combustion engine with electrically powered vehicles.

Standing up for a sustainable and healthy mobility in the cities, the Foundation collaborated once again with the Sustainable and Safe Mobility Week and the Car-free Day, which was staged in September 2015 for the first time both in the city and in different quarters of the city.

One of the questions related to the emission of gases which has been dealt with more in the international media, the tuning of the software that measures the emissions of some of the vehicle models of Volkswagen, has been largely dealt with by the Foundation during the second semester of 2015, informing about the details of the case from the perspective of members and users of diesel vehicles.

Car Free Day

2016 RACC Foundation

Av. Diagonal, 687
08028 Barcelona
ISSN 2013-4371